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  • avabrody

Never thought it would be so hard...

Being a bilingual writer is difficult.

It is way easier to write in your first language. It does not matter, how many hours you spend learning grammar, it does not matter how many hours you speak that language a day, you will never be as good as somebody who was born to speak it.

I came to the UK ten years ago. I had learnt some English at High School, and then I got a degree in English - Hungarian Medical Translation, but these did not prepare me to the experience when I first heard somebody talking to me in London. It was a bus driver at Heathrow Airport, and up til today I have no idea what he said.

I'm sure you know, authors have self-doubt. I'm a member in many forums, and every single day somebody will mention how much they doubt themselves, how uncertain they are about whether their message goes through? How difficult is to choose the correct expression?

What can I say. It's extra-hard for us, foreign authors.

So when you read my book, please, drop me a review. Tell me you liked it, or you didn't, let me know that you read it and you enjoyed it or hated it: let me know my message came across.

It means the world to me.

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