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  • avabrody


Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and at the age of 45, I feel there is nothing to loose anymore, except for weight.

It is a big jump to come out as an author, but after publishing a book and quickly preparing another one, I had no choice, but accept that I can't get rid of that itchy sensation in my fingers unless I keep knocking on the keyboard like some sort of crazy woodpecker.

My head is full of stories.

There are some dragons and a misty island, but it's still undecided whether they would form a story for YA or for MG.

And of course, the second book of Terraforming, which requires me to bury myself in the attractive word of automated defence systems.

Plus a textbook. I made myself a promise, that I write a textbook instead of the rubbish one that we used at college.

Hi, I'm Ava.

I am a part-time doctor, a full-time mum-of-three and an all-time dash-addict.

I honestly planned to have a decent hobby, like most mums: but clumsy as I am, I will never make a quilt and I can only dream about cake decorations.

(I might write a book about it instead lol.)

I hope you read my stories and then write me an email, tell me what you liked, and what not. I want to make you laugh, and make you think, I want to shock you, I want you to question what you see.

But most importantly: I'm glad you are here.


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